Sunday, August 29, 2010


In early July we flew to Bali for some rest and relaxation after a challenging year here in Tokyo.  Both of us were quite exhausted by it all - mine was based on inactivity rather than a hectic lifestyle and David was exhausted and exhilarated by the many successes for him this year.

Bali was everything we'd hoped it might be.  It was the typical tropical island with the palm trees, frangipani trees and cicadas.  Our first stop was at our Villa which was absolutely charming  - the best bit for me was the outdoor shower in what I can only describe as the garden.  It was a huge monsoon shower surrounded by tropical plants and charming Balinese statues - a real oasis of tranquility. It was walled in - so don't worry - I didn't frighten the natives!   Our very own pool was cold and refreshing and we also had use of the pool at the complex which seemed to be totally unused by anyone else.  Oh and don't forget access to the beach as well and we were well served for water relaxation!  We read a lot and rested a lot and recharged the batteries.  Food was just a phonecall away or a short stroll into the town for the delights of Balinese cooking - beef rendang became our absolute favourite!

Week 2 saw us move over to the Hyatt in the same town of Sanur.  This was an altogether different experience - five star treatment and service and a wonderful view of the sea.  Dave celebrated his birthday here - a very windy dinner served by the pool watching the charming Balinese dancers.  I mention the wind because it was such an issue - almost everything that wasn't nailed down blew into the pool and had to be retrieved by wading waiters!  Daves birthday cake arrived - lighting the candle was a struggle and blowing it out, unnecessary!

Having celebrated a birthday Dave was now looking for ways to prove he wasn't old.  Parasailing for the first time seemed just the thing....  so after a brief conversation and the "If there isn't a queue" get out clause we strolled along the beach.  No queue, Trysh paid and Dave was airbourne in minutes!  You'll love the photo...

We took a tour of the island too.  A car and driver duly arrived to collect us and we spent the first part of the day driving out to Blue Lagoon for some fabulous snorkelling.  It was a huge success for Dave who found the right spot by just going with the current and having the technical know-how to snorkel properly....  less of a success for Trysh who simply couldn't sort her snorkel out, was washed downstream in the current, looked at some very brown and disappointing corals with a few brightly coloured fish and drank way too much salt water resulting in a very stressful swim back to the boat - strong current and not a strong swimmer - climbing on board and sitting in a rocking boat - yep - you guessed it - I was seasick!   By the time Dave got back in the boat all enthusiastic about the coral and the fish and sea and the....  he glanced at me and muttered those endearing words of support - "Over the side Trysh, over the side!"

When the boat man suggested moving to an even more spectacular cove to snorkel, I declared that if I wasn't taken back to dry land instantly I would, quite simply, die.  Dave did consider it an option I think - I'm pretty sure I detected a pause ( a dead wife cannot nag any more, can she?) before he said to the boat man - no thanks we'll go back.  Wise man.

In true seafaring tradition, I was absolutely fine once I arrived on dry land and met up with our guide.  He put us back in the car and drove for hours to show us the wonderful sights inland - the rice paddies, the fruit farms and the spice farms.  We saw so much.  Then we had a fabulous lunch in a restaurant overlooking Mount Gulangong - well it would have overlooked the mountain but it was cloudy - so we just had to imagine it there!

Bali was absolutely stunning and the people were so friendly and helpful - they could not do enough for us.  We are seriously considering going back in the autumn.....
Dave's finally on terra firma!