Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ueno Park

Hydrangea season

I took myself off to Ueno Park the other day, not knowing what might be in store.  It was hot and humid and the kind of day that makes you want to take things at a slow and easy pace.  I strolled out of the station and there, right in front of me, in the middle of this huge city, was an area of green and tranquillity I found hard to believe.  Ueno Park - fabulous.

To make my day even better I was approached by a Japanese man in his early 30's (I know this because he told me!) who said "You're not American, are you?"  He then took me around the park pointing out things of interest and there was plenty.  It will need a return visit to take in all the galleries and museums in the place.  He told me his life story - a terrible brain tumor had affected his life and now he was unable to work.  He did however speak fluent English and wanted so much to practise.  I was more than happy to oblige.

A Temple - view from the steps

Lovely Japanese lanterns

The Peace Memorial for those who died in Hiroshima

The tofu seller

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Day in the Park

Off to Kichijoji to meet up with friends and had an unexpected picnic in the park.


Myuki, Kumi and Kenka

Oh, anyone bring the wine glasses?

Tenten ( in green ) and Toro

Taken by a very nice man!
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