Monday, September 7, 2009

Mobile phones and things

I simply couldn't get away with it any longer. I'd existed quite happily without one for three whole weeks and to be honest, I was rather enjoying that sense of not being available however, life for others was less enjoyable and it had to be done - the purchasing of a mobile phone.

I did all my homework and asked a lot of people about the best way forward and it seemed that a contract would be the way to go. The package choice was huge and complex and included a lot of things I really did not want. I didn't want to check my stocks and shares; I didn't want to use it as an ipod and I certainly did not want a continuous weather forecast! Still, seemingly, for 2 months I have to have them. What I really wanted (free calls and SMS mesages), was not to be, not now, not ever - I have to pay for every call and message. So we began the process - lots of form filling (all in Japanese) and , as an alien, lots of bureaucracy checked, double checked and triple checked - all on line and it took ABSOLUTELY AGES!! Two hours later we left, had lunch then returned to collect it all when the clearances were through. So I'm MOBILE - yippee!!

It's a very sweet little white phone and I'm sure we will get on, but my first text was oh so painful. New systems, ridiculous predictive text, obviously a direct translation from the Japanese , so no use to me whatsoever! I managed to compose one then decided to email the kids with the information and let them send one first! The good news is that I AM getting faster (and I have found out how to turn off the predictive texting); the bad news is that I prefer email!!!

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