Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jet Lag and other irritations

I know it seem churlish of me, but I have to confess to being fed up with jet lag - nice to be able to travel, I hear you say, so stop moaning!  It's just that, as I sit here, at 2.42 in the morning, there is no one else on line to chat to so it feels as though I'm the last person on the planet.  I'm not one to suffer from insomnia so this is a frustrating experience for me.

The reason for the jet lag is that we have been back in the UK doing the recruitment for Dave's school out here in Japan.  It was great fun to be able to see some old friends and to spend my mother's birthday with her.  We arranged a lunch for a few friends and family and we had a fabulous day at Brancaster.  The sun shone, the wind was gentle and the company was fantastic.  Ryan drove up from London just to be with us and that was such a wonderful thing.  It was also an absolute treat to be able to spend a couple of days with Kirsty who helped me to take out an old cat flap and put in a new one for my mum.  It was not without its tribulations - of the four screws one was not going to undo and we had to enlist the help of a neighbour - brute force was the answer and neither of us had the oomph!  Fitting the new one was a cinch by comparison.  Dave, meanwhile, was travelling the country, observing teachers and working very hard!  Do I feel guilty?  Not really  :)

I was also lucky enough to spend the following day in London with Jemma, Ruth, Kirsty, Manda,and Jean searching for (and finding) the perfect wedding dress for 17th April.  What a blessing to to take part in that rite of passage and what fun we had.  Lunch was good too - a Dim Sum restaurant just off Carnaby Street. 

While we were in the UK our lap top picked up a virus - it was a huge inconvenience and I tried to get PC World in Swindon to fix it for us.  They happly took my eighty pounds to fix it and then had the gall to tell me they didn't have time to get to it!  We were not happy.  Still they did refund the money - just as well!!!  However, it meant that we were without internet for a couple of days and having arrived back after the long haul flight I had to set to and resurrect the old desk top machine that has been sitting in the corner of the study for months since our arrival in Tokyo.  Actually, it's quite nice to be able to see a huge screen so it's not all bad news!

So back to the beginning - now I'm nine hours out of synch with Tokyo and writing my blog!  The joys of travel!  Off to make tea now - care to join me?

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