Monday, June 21, 2010

Thoughts on Jet Lag

I have been suffering from jetlag for five days now.  It is nearly over - I am quite sure but I have come to the conclusion that it is like a mild form of  mental illness. 

  1. You can't sleep when others are sleeping and you inhabit a world that is dark and grey, flinching from the bright lights that herald the morning sun - knowing you will only want to go to sleep now that everyone has woken up.
  2. You find it impossible to eat when others do.  You feel hungry at the most odd times - I actually ate two breakfasts one day - one at 4 am and the other, with Dave at the right time.  It felt right.  Lunch is a no-no but come 3pm I was reaching for the kitkats and anything else that had a million calories a bite.  Dinner?  Well, that's a little easier, you see, it should be your lunchtime in that other place.
  3. You do odd things.  Why did I leave that glass in the wardrobe with the sweaters - as my husband kindly pointed out? And why did I put my diary in the fridge?
Thankfully these symptoms pass and you get back into the swing of things.  I had rather thought that the more transitions I made, the easier it would become to adjust - it seems to be the opposite.  Flying to England is not such a problem - it takes 36 hours and I am back on track but coming this way, east, is a nightmare and it is the same for everyone I talk to about it here.  Weird, isn't it?  Still, as I quickly remind myself - it's a bit of a privilege to be able to moan about jet lag, isn't it?

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