Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fruit and Veg in Japan

It's cooler now (24C) and has been raining for days at a time as we get buffeted by the typhoons that sweep the Pacific Ocean - autumn is clearly on its way.  It's a time for wet shoes, wet feet, wet legs, umbrellas and looking like a drowned rat.  So, hiding in my apartment from all that, it's time for a few short snippets on the practicalities of life in Tokyo.  Starting with what my American friends call produce (pronounced pro-doos).

Have I ever told you how wonderful the fruit and vegetables are here?  What's on sale in the shops is mostly grown here somewhere and the great thing is... if it's not in season, you can't buy it so it's absolutely perfect for the time of year and I have to say the quality is extremely high, mind you, so is the price.  My local greengrocers stocks a wonderful array of plums, pears, apples and other odd looking fruits (and veg) I am not quite sure of!

It's grape season here at the moment and about 5pounds (UK) will get you an average sized bunch.    They are beautiful.  They are sweet and juicy and if you are very lucky you can get the seedless ones.  They are in three colours too so make a fabulous arrangement in the kitchen - black and green, obviously, and some pretty little pink ones which are so sweet.  I firmly believe they are better than chocolate! 


  1. I hope they are better value than the raspberries! M x

  2. Hmm, yes but they don't make such wonderful souffles!
